Divorce Is a Stressful Process
Divorce is stressful. If you know after separation when to divorce, you’ll have a lot of things to deal with, both together and separately. Divorce attorneys can help you get through the process. They can go over the agreed divorce papers and make sure that everything is correct, saving you from any mistakes that will make the process drag on longer. If there are any problems, they can help you submit an amended petition for dissolution of marriage, as well as do anything else that needs to be changed. With a divorce lawyer working for you, you can be sure that the information you get is both up to date and accurate to your location.
When you get divorced, you need to decide how to handle your responsibilities. You might be required to pay alimony money or child support. With children, you’ll also need to decide how to handle custody. These things can get emotional, which can cause the process to go off the tracks. Your lawyers can keep things objective, focusing on what is best for your children or yourselves.
When you have made the decision to file for divorce, you will need all of the divorce advice you can get. However, it’s always a good idea to come to as many agreements as possible with your spouse so that you don’t end up with an enormous attorney’s bill. Use your attorney for basic divorce questions and to help you through the process. But, it’s a smart idea not to hire an attorney until you and your spouse have agreed on as much as you can about who will get what and who will live where.
You may believe that after filing for divorce that’s all you have to do, and in some cases, this is more true than in others. If the divorce is contested, it can be a long process to get divorced. If there is a lot of arguing about assets, this too can add to how long the divorce takes. Your attorney will know the answer based on the paperwork and the court’s decision.
There are many things that must be considered when it comes to filing for a divorce, especially when child custody rights and other issues involving minor children are involved in the proceedings. The best way to get sound legal advice during the divorce process is to work with a law firm that is experienced with family law cases and that has handled many divorce cases.
They will be able to answer all your basic questions about the process: can I get divorce without my husband, can I get divorced without my spouse signature, can I handle my own divorce, can I write my own divorce agreement and more. It is important to make certain you know what your rights and responsibilities are and that you work with a legal team who has your back.
Divorces can be messy, especially when kids are involved. So protect yourself and your assets and your rights and find a family law attorney who can represent you in the court and that can ensure you get what you deserve.
Divorce can be a tough time for all of those involved. Whether it is just a couple or a couple with kids, there will be many details that have to be sorted out. These include everything from finances, housing situations, and guardianship arrangements for the kids. While it may be an emotional time, the practicality of the situation can be dealt with by considering a few things.
Seek Out Divorce Advice
While the initial reaction when pursuing a divorce might be to seek out a lawyer, you should also consider building a personal support team. A lawyer is great for the practical side, but also have friends you can trust or a therapist you can rely on to help you through the emotional strain. You need people to vent to that will allow you to express emotions so they don’t get pent up.
As far as practicality goes, find a good divorce lawyer who knows how the system works. If you are unsure about how the process works, the steps you need to take, or what your rights are in certain situations, you could be taken advantage of. You will want an attorney who specializes in divorce and family law. Each state has different regulations so they need to be up to date on the latest changes.
Another thing to consider when searching for a lawyer includes making sure they are entirely on your side and willing to fight for what you want. Divorce is tricky because emotions get involved and while you hope your ex-spouse could be civil in dividing matters, that may not be the case. You want a lawyer that will look out for what is best for your situation and provide unbiased divorce advice.
Most importantly, you should feel comfortable and confident when speaking to your lawyer. This will be a trying time in your life, but you have to be candid and honest about what you need from the separation. A good lawyer will listen to your needs, answer any questions you have, and explain their process and what they can do for you. They should also be completely open about their costs and what they charge for their services. Affordability is also certainly a key concern.
Get Your Finances in Order
Paying for a divorce lawyer is one thing, but finances, in general, are the main component in a divorce that needs to be sorted out. If you did not handle finances when you were together, you will have to learn how to manage your money. This may be daunting to think about, but it can be done with the help of a financial adviser or you can seek out different finance videos that will assist you in your journey after divorce.
When it comes to splitting the finances, even before you seek out finance videos, there are many accounts and documents that will need to be changed to reflect who owns what. It is essential to take names off of titles and assets. These are the initial changes that will start you on your way to being completely independent of your ex. Change the title on any cars you have to reflect who owns them. This also needs to happen for the house. Powers of attorney, wills, and health directives will have to be updated and don’t forget about credit cards. The last thing you want is to find a random charge to your account by your Ex. When it comes to bank accounts, close joint accounts and reopen new ones in your name only.
Once these initial changes are made, you can begin consulting finance videos to move forward with the financial side of your life. There are all kinds of finance videos out there from learning the basics of managing personal finances, tips for saving money, and ways to begin investing. These finance videos will help you organize your money and also allow you to begin saving money in case of emergencies. Even setting aside 50 cents a day for an entire year will accumulate 40% of a 500 dollar emergency fund. There are all kinds of small tips and tricks to save a dollar here and there that will add up.
If finance videos are not for you, meet with a financial planner. They will help you assess and evaluate your current situation after the divorce and advise the best way to start saving for the future. This might mean evaluating your spending at the end of each month so you can develop a plan that will pay the bills without a hassle. They will be able to set up an individual plan that works best for you and will help establish a plan for a stable retirement. Sometimes it is useful to consult a person who knows the business and to then use finance videos to flesh out that knowledge on your own time. Finance videos are helpful to see how to organize funds in a different way. Do what you think is best for you.
Create a Plan for Home Ownership
A large asset to deal with in a divorce is ownership of the house. You will need to decide who is going to keep it and who will start looking through the ads for new homes for sale. Or maybe you will both decide to sell it and move on. If the house will be sold, there are several things you’ll want to do before putting it on the market.
One of the first things you will need to do is collect necessary paperwork on the house. This includes the utilities and any other systems you might have implemented in the house. This makes it easier for your realtor to show the house and provide potential buyers with information immediately. It will also provide a good history of what and who has provided for the house thus far.
Having your house show-ready will be a must. If you have pets or kids, you will want to make it look like they are not there. A clean house is more appealing to buyers. You may have to move the animals long before moving out and the kids’ playdates may have to stay at their friends’ houses for a while. This will make spontaneous house showings possible which could lead to the needed sale.
Keep track of any repairs that need to be done. Is the mailbox dented? Replace it with a new one. Is that handle on the kitchen cupboard loose? Tighten it up with a couple of twists. What about those small nail holes from hanging pictures? Patch them up quick. The small repairs can make a big difference and many are not too pricey to fix. Are the carpets a little scurfy? Have a carpet cleaning done to polish the floors. This will get out the stains from kid and pet accidents as well. Carpet cleaning companies are equipped to deal with stains and will be familiar with prepping a house for sale. All these small fixes will tidy up the overall appearance of the house.
When it comes to major repairs, you’ll want to evaluate cost-wise what is beneficial for you versus what you are willing to take for a hit in price on the house. It might be worth finding a landscaping contractor to clean up the outside of the house. The curbside appeal is important when it comes to selling homes. It is the first impression that can also leave a lasting impression. You’ll want to make it a good one. A landscaping contractor will be able to assess what kind of landscape materials will boost the house’s appearance.
Understand How Divorce Affects Your Kids
Divorce between two people is hard enough, but it can be even harder on the kids, especially young ones if they don’t understand what is going on. Even if the children are young, they are still perceptive and can sense the tension in the air. In addition to a divorce lawyer, it may be worth your time to consult with child custody lawyers as well.
Circumstances that might warrant a child custody lawyer include complicated cases such as if your case crosses jurisdictions. If you are dealing with multiple states, you will want a lawyer to help sort out the different state laws. You might also want one if you feel the kids could be in danger with your Ex. The safety of your kids is not a joke and your concerns should not go unnoticed. A lawyer will also help you if your Ex tries to prevent you from having any rights to see your children. If you have to receive court-ordered treatment or take classes, a lawyer will help you explain the circumstances and gage what rights you have to your children while completing necessary requirements. The law can be messy, but try to make this transition as easy as you can on the kids.
Once you have figured out the rights of the kids, you can start figuring out the rest of your life. This might be the determining factor of who keeps the house or whether it is sold altogether. If you are planning to sell the house or will be the one moving, your next location will have to take the kids and their needs into consideration.
Will the school be near you or will you have to commute a bit to a school near your Ex? Either way, consider the best family neighborhoods so you’ll know your kids will feel safe and welcome in a new environment. Also, look for good school systems if you plan on changing schools. You’ll want the best pre-k if your kids are just starting their schooling. This will help them develop a friend group that will keep them occupied as you sort out the divorce.
In addition to schooling, be sure there is an urgent care center around and a proper healthcare system close by. Kids are kids and you never know when they might have an accident or get sick. You can ask around for recommendations of good urgent care centers. Research the doctors online to see who is available and what their backgrounds in medicine are. A trustworthy health center will likely be busy, but it shouldn’t be so busy that you are unable to receive attention for your child in a timely fashion. Kids don’t have the same tolerance to wait around that is expected of adults. You’ll also want it close to where you are living so you don’t have to make a major trip across town.
If you know about the school systems, neighborhoods, and healthcare available, this will help your case for child custody. It lays out an organized plan to care for your child and shows that you are putting their best interests at hand despite this trying time.
Take Time to Process the Divorce
Ease the stress that comes with divorce by getting organized. Build up a personal support system to help vent your emotions, but enlist in a good divorce lawyer to help you start sorting out the practical necessities. A divorce lawyer will know your state’s rules and regulations so you will get the most from the separation.
Start gaining financial independence by making the initial changes on large assets. Once things are separated and claimed, you can consult a financial planner or finance videos to help you establish a stable money-saving plan. There are a plethora of finance videos to help you get on your feet.
Figure out what is happening with the home and start prepping it for sale if the goal is to get rid of it and move on. There might be extra cleaning measures to take, but it could be well worth the small expense in the end.
Lastly, get all these things organized and leave the kids out of it to make this new change in their life easier. Talk with a child custody lawyer to make sure you know your rights and have a good plan in mind that will provide the best life for your kids. Divorce might be messy and emotional to deal with, but if you take it one step at a time, you can build a successful new chapter of your life.